Construction safety training

This course begins by giving you an overview of construction safety which aims to ensure that a construction site doesn’t cause immediate danger to the public around a construction site or the construction workers at a site. Health and safety in construction are important because the industry is prone to hazardous situations and can be dangerous at times. You will learn how to ensure that the finished product of construction can meet the required safety standards and the processes that can be employed to achieve this.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 5 hours

Difficulty: Beginner

People who need to complete this course include:

  • Site managers, supervisors, surveyors, labourers and tradespeople
  • People who access operational construction zones (unaccompanied or not directly supervised by an inducted person)
  • Workers whose employment causes them to routinely enter operational construction zones.

Course Instructor

Farid Sartipi Farid Sartipi Author

Lifetime access


Enroll for free and start working in construction safely.

Construction safety management

Has Quiz
Has Quiz
Has Quiz

Safety and health in construction

Has Quiz
Has Quiz
Has Quiz

Health & safety for scaffolds and scaffolding work

Has Quiz
Has Quiz

Managing noise and demolition risks

Has Quiz
Has Quiz
Has Quiz

14 thoughts on “Construction safety training

  1. Hello sir I have 3years experience on Dubai construction & now I will like to work on Australian construction projects. I m a hard working guy if I got selected you will see my sincere work. Thank you

  2. Greetings sir,
    I hv completed the course, Will i be getting any certificate to upload it along with my application if asked? Plz guide me to take the next step.. thank you

  3. I am in the process of completing my construction safety course which I find very interesting, but above all I will always keep it with me to re-read often. Really a very important course for good gestures on the construction site.

  4. Hello sir i am completed the course will i be getting any certificate i will be upload they asking to attach with application please guide me sir i am from India i have 10 years experience in construction field

  5. Good day sir, I have completed the construction safety training here, and yet to receive the certificate. Also I applied for the construction worker programme as an international applicant as a Plumber, through the sponsorship offer, I would like to appreciate the industry for doing so much for we the international applicant. Also would love to be mentored by you. Thank you.

  6. I have completed my safety training beginner stage, please how do I apply to get my certification?

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